Sweet Mulberry Silk and Woody Notes Mulberry Musk

Mulberry Musk Perfume

Odore Mio Mulberry Musk embodies the subtle, sweet undertones of fresh mulberries with the sensual, mysterious notes of sandalwood. A natural fragrance that captures the beauty of this delicate plant.

A fragrance that will remind you of your childhood walks through the garden, the smell of fresh mulberries, and the scent of summer sun warmed leaves. If you’re looking for that special thing to give to someone, or simply want to spoil yourself with something truly special, then this scent is for you.

When the fires of creativity ignite, it’s important to tame them with a fragrance so alluring, so luxurious, it’s enough to make you forget all about the outside world. This silky soft musk is doused in dark honey and combines sweet notes of amber with the tingly tangerine. It’s sweet, but never too sweet. It’s spicy, but never too spicy.

Mulberry Tree Perfume Symbolism

The mulberry tree is a symbol of fertility, marriage, renewing life, the vitality of nature, and sometimes the coming of spring. The tree is mentioned in Greek myths about Persephone, while some Roman myths tell of Jupiter’s seduction of Callisto under one. The tree is also associated with wisdom.

In Greek mythology, the goddess Hera became angry with Zeus which lead to her denying him food. Supposedly she cursed the Greeks by making their hunger never go away. Eventually Hera realised how terrible she was being so she sent an oracle to tell Zeus that the only way he would be able to eat again is if he created something that wasn’t fruit or vegetables. The Romans associated it with fertility rites in honour of their god Mars. This explains why it is often planted near homes in China to bring luck.
