Goldleaf Femme by Odore Mio is a heart warming bouquet of Spanish Tuberoses and delicate French Roses. These regal flowers hug you on opening and keep you captive with their unique intimacy, delicate character and sensuality. This initial romance will continue to grow throughout the day and acquire additional layers of silks and cashmeres to keep this sensual relationship warm. Goldleaf Femme has its Homme counterpart. Goldleaf Homme is a brighter more energetic citrus heart composition striking with its spark, enthusiasm and good nature. Both can in fact be worn by men and women and even mixed together. These fragrances are designed as companions. They will work together in symbiotic relationship to compliment each other.
Goldleaf Femme Eau de Cologne
£5.00 – £95.00
A Hug from Regal Flowers
Categories: Delicate, Delicious, Femme, Floral, Orange, Rose, Sensual
Tags: French Roses, Light Noble Woods, Odore Mio Cashmere Accord, Odore Mio Silk Accord, Spanish Tuberoses
BOTTLE SIZE | 3 ML Sample, 15 ML Glass Flacon, 30 ML Glass Flacon, 50 ML Glass Flacon |
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